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‘Someday’ (Original) by Ty Jordan Ortiz

NAME: Someday; Original
ARTIST: Ty Jordan Ortiz
SIZE: 30” x 40”
MEDIUM: Acrylic on Canvas.


Ty Jordyn Ortiz is a 14-year-old New Jersey artist, who began demonstrating her creativity and aptitude for drawing and painting around the age of five. While art has always been Ty’s favorite pastime, it is more than a hobby—whether at school, at home or even outdoors—her art serves as a calming retreat, affording Ty an escape and outlet from the real stresses of the teenage years. When she’s not painting (and usually when she is), Ty enjoys dancing and listening to music – BTS, Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande are among her favorites!

“Someday,” is an acrylic-on-canvas depiction of the Victoria Falls, which combines Ty’s love of sunsets, wildlife, nature, and bodies of water. Created over the course of 6 weeks, it is a loving nod to Ty’s aunt, Wendy Ann, who loved and worked extensively in the African continent and who was hoping to bring a tour group to the stunning beauty of the Falls, Africa’s spectacular natural wonder. After she lost her aunt in 2020 to cancer, Ty decided to create this piece to honor and remember Wendy Ann’s hope – and to make a silent pledge to her memory that her family will get to the Falls, one day. Someday.

Several pieces from Ty’s growing portfolio of work have been exhibited in the West Orange Public library, the Livingston Public library and at the Livingston Mall in New Jersey. She lives there with her family.

Article published on Sat Jul 16, 2022.