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The Wendy Ann Wiltshire Scholarshipfor Daring, Tenacity & Discovery

The Wendy Ann Wiltshire Scholarship Award

The Wiltshire Foundation has embraced the challenge of contributing, in some small way, to providing some measure of relief from the burden of the cost of education, in honor of a family member.

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Wendy Ann Wiltshire positioned herself to complete her degree in Economics and Business while holding down a demanding job in an organization dedicated to the enhancement of the financial and management skills of officials in developing countries. She thrived in using her language and work oriented skills to overcome environmental and logistical challenges and prided herself on achieving optimal results and outcomes from her local and overseas meetings and events.

Wendy Ann’s spirit of adventure and entrepreneurship were evident in the types of projects she was passionate about, her insistence on logistical detail and her persistence and tenacity in achieving the exact look or touch of elegance in the fulfillment of promised goals for her clients. Wendy Ann was truly a force of nature whose essence was as easy to capture as lightning in a bottle. In her personal and professional life, she radiated an empathy, confidence and passion that made it easy to be drawn to her.

The Foundation hopes to identify applicants who have demonstrated some of these traits in their journey towards becoming a graduating senior in their field of study. We recognize that the criteria might seem daunting, but want to assure you that we will welcome interested participants from all genres.

However, because of who Wendy Ann was, and what she represented, we encourage graduating Caribbean and female graduating seniors to consider making an application.

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Wendy Ann spent twenty-two years as an Operations Analyst at the World Bank and made her mark primarily on the African Continent, working from Libya in the north to South Africa in the south. These skill sets positioned Wendy Ann to pursue her real passion, creating unbelievable experiences for friends, family, and country through her international travel company Dare2Discover. She coordinated more than twelve global cultural and tourism events in locations including Trinidad & Tobago, South Africa, Europe, and the US. In fact, Wendy Ann was contracted by the Trinidad & Tobago Ministries of Trade and Culture to organize travel and event logistics for a Trade and Investment Cultural Mission to Europe, covering six cities (Dublin, Berlin, Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, and London.) But it is in personal travel and event planning that Wendy Ann found most joy. Wendy Ann curated amazing trips to Germany for the 2006 World Cup, with stops in Amsterdam and Paris and South Africa, that included a Trinidad style Carnival in Bela Bela. She was also an incurable romantic for whom every gift-giving had to perfectly match the recipient’s personality and be accompanied with the corresponding ambience. No event was so small to not merit meticulous planning, exquisite décor with the perfect pièce de résistance to “set it off.”

Overall, Wendy Ann was the epitome of love for family, friends and anyone who came within her orbit. That love was returned to her as naturally as it is to breathe. She attended high school at Holy Name Convent, Port of Spain, Trinidad, studied French and Economics at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada and received her Bachelor of Science (BS) in Business Administration from Columbia Union College in Maryland, US. Wendy Ann was daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, cousin, friend, wife, mother, godmother and most recently grandmother. She crammed a lot of life, love and adventure into her fifty-eight years…gone but never forgotten. With this scholarship we honor her life, her legacy of adventure and willingness to literally take on the world, her quick wit, her ready laugh and her meticulous attention to curating unforgettable experiences for others.

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